Dan West Garden Center
Lawn Care for Bermuda & Zoysia
Jan, Feb – Apply IMAGE® herbicide for control of winter weeds such as wild onions, annual bluegrass, chickweed, henbit and fescue in warm season grasses. Check you pH to see if lime is needed.
Mar 1 – Apply a pre-emerge herbicide such as Hi-Yield DIMENSION® for control of crabgrass and other spring germinating weeds. If reseeding is in your plan, check label restrictions before applying.
Mar 15 – Apply a broadleaf herbicide containing CARFENTRAZONE® like Ferti-Lome Weed Free Zone for control of dandelions, wild onions, chickweed or other broadleaf weeds. Granular formulations are available and should be applied to damp foliage. A second application may be necessary, check label recommendations and restrictions.
Apr 1 – Mow the lawn low, about 1”, to remove last year’s dead foliage. De-thatch if thatch is greater than ½’ deep. Apply a lawn fertilizer like Ferti-Lome Classic Slow Release that has both quick and slow release nitrogen. As grass begins to grow, set your mower height to 1 ½” and raise as summer temperatures increase.
May 1 – Apply Quinclorac to help control crabgrass, check the label for temperature restrictions. Apply DIMENSION® now for late germinating wild grasses.
Use SEDGEHAMMER® for control of nutsedge or IMAGE® for nutsedge and many summer broadleaf weeds. (do not use IMAGE® if your lawn is in spring or fall transition)
Jun 1 – Apply a second application of Ferti-lome Classic Slow Release fertilizer or Lawn Food Plus Iron.
Aug 1 – Apply a third application of Ferti-lome Classic Slow Release fertilizer or Lawn Food Plus Iron.
Sept 1 – Apply Hi Yield pre-emerge with DIMENSION® for winter weed control. This application prevents annual bluegrass, henbit, chickweed and other late winter weeds.
Oct 1 – Apply Ferti-Lome Winterizer to harden off your grass and protect it from winter damage.
Dec 1 – Apply another application of pre-emerge if the fall has been unusually wet.
Helpful Hints for a Beautiful Lawn
Lime – Liming is the most important thing you can do for your lawn. Try to keep your pH at 6.5 to produce a quality turf. Check your pH yearly and if needed add a 40 lb. bag of pelletized lime per 1000 sq. ft. That will raise your pH ½ to 1 point. After 30 days, check your pH again to see if additional lime is needed.
Watering – Water thoroughly, when you water. Deep watering encourages deep root growth and helps protect the grass during periods of drought.
Pre-emerge herbicides – This is the most effective weed control. After completing a year long program, you will only have to eliminate the perennial weeds. Remember that pre-emerge herbicides prevent seed from germinating, so you cannot sow new lawn seed until after the waiting period that will be listed on the label.
Broadleaf weed killers work best on actively growing weeds. You can enhance your results by mowing your weeds, letting them re-sprout for 3 days and then spraying the tender new growth.
Always read and follow all instructions on herbicides. Many have temperature or time of year restrictions
that need to be followed to prevent damage to your lawn or surrounding plants. Use particular caution in and around the root zone of trees and other desirable plants. Spot applications are safer than broadcast applications around trees.
Fertilizer – Avoid agricultural grade fertilizers such as 6-12-12, 13-13-13 or ammonium nitrate. These products stimulate excessive growth that you cut off when you next mow. This removes too much green tissue, exposes stems and allows the sun to dry the surface. Use controlled release fertilizers for a healthier lawn. For a greener summer lawn, apply Ferti-Lome Lawn Food plus Iron in May and August.
Seeding – Sow Bermuda grass seed after May 1. Sow at a rate of 1 lb. per 500 sq. ft. for bare ground or 1 lb. per 1000 sq. ft. for an over-seed. Although available, Zoysia seed does not perform well in the Mid South. Germination is poor in clay soils and our growing season is not long enough to ensure a well developed root system. Do not use any herbicides or pre-emergent’s if you are seeding. Follow label directions and restrictions for use on a new lawn.
Mowing – Bermuda is a rapidly growing grass, best mowed about every 4 days. Less frequent mowing usually results in clumps of cut grass remaining, so consider bagging. The use of Natural Guard HuMic, a
granular form of Humic Acid, will not only improve the general health of your lawn, but will also accelerate the decomposition of thatch in your lawn providing the soil with nutrient rich compost and will allow your soil to breath.
Zoysia is slower growing, often going 2 weeks between mowing if it is not heavily fertilized, but it is slow to decompose so bagging or an occasional raking is often necessary. The use of Natural Guard HuMic, a
granular form of Humic Acid, will not only improve the general health of your lawn, but will also accelerate the decomposition of thatch in your lawn providing the soil with nutrient rich compost and will allow your soil to breath.
Organic Options – Corn gluten as a pre-emergent, Milorganite fertilizer, and Espoma brand Organic Lawn Food