by telelink | Jun 28, 2019 | Gardening
It’s that time again. Japanese beetles are quite active right now in Shelby county and throughout the Mid-South. These severely damaging insects generally show up in our landscapes in mid-June and can be around into August. These pests not only feed on some of...
by telelink | May 22, 2019 | Gardening
We have just come through one of the most brilliant blooming seasons in recent history. This spring was amazing.There was a little too much rain but the temperatures were as close to normal as we have seen in quite a while. Customers have been bringing us pictures of...
by telelink | Apr 16, 2019 | Gardening
One of the gardening challenges we all face here in the Mid-South, is the abundance of heavy, slow draining, acidic, clay soil. To have the lush gardens we all dream about, we have to deal with this problem and make sure we provide the best...
by telelink | Feb 22, 2019 | Gardening
A rose is a rose is a rose Throughout history the Rose has had many meanings. It’s divided the great houses of Royal England, and was a symbol of revolution during Scotland’s quest for independence. They stand for love, friendship, purity, and sometimes,...
by telelink | Feb 22, 2019 | Gardening
Crape Myrtle Bark Scale Crape Myrtle bark Scale (CMBS) is a serious threat to our favorite Mid-South tree, the Crape Myrtle. It threatens to turn what has historically been a beautiful, low maintenance tree into an unsightly high maintenance tree. This...
by telelink | Feb 7, 2019 | Gardening
Fescue is a cool season grass best planted late September or early October. We have a window in the spring, weather permitting, late February through early April, when soil and air temperatures are right to overseed those areas not covered well in the fall. The...