Growing warm season grasses in the Mid-South

Growing warm season grasses in the Mid-South

Dan West Garden Center Lawn Care for Bermuda & Zoysia   Jan, Feb – Apply IMAGE® herbicide for control of winter weeds such as wild onions, annual bluegrass, chickweed, henbit and fescue in warm season grasses. Check you pH to see if lime is needed....
Growing warm season grasses in the Mid-South

Growing cool season grasses in the Mid-South

Dan West Garden Center Lawn Care Program for Fescue (Shady) Lawns   Sep 1 – This is the best time of year to establish a fescue or shady area lawn. Proper soil preparation is essential for a good fescue lawn. Till to a depth of 3 – 4 inches and incorporate...
Looking forward to spring

Looking forward to spring

For all you gardeners out there, winter can be a rather boring time of the year. Cold weather forces us to spend more time indoors and our motivation to dig in the cold earth is at a minimum. A fun project we can all enjoy this time of year is starting seeds that will...
Cold weather protection

Cold weather protection

  History tells us our coldest weather comes to the mid-south in late January and continues thru early March. Here are some tips to help keep your tender plants safe from the cold. Desiccation kills – When soil temperatures drop in winter, water absorption by the...
Christmas at Dan West

Christmas at Dan West

At Dan West, Christmas is a very special time of the year. The garden center comes alive with the sights, sounds and smells of the holiday season. What most people don’t know is that Christmas for us starts in August.  When most of our customers are on vacation,...
Time to buy fall bulbs

Time to buy fall bulbs

It is time to buy fall bulbs like Tulips and Daffodils (and there are so many minor bulbs to choose from also). Buy them now while the selection is good. Bulbs should be firm and free from grey or black mold.  Always buy the largest bulbs you can find.  Small Tulip...